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Congleton Hydro Newsletter March

Congleton Hydro Newsletter March

The recent storms of Eunice and Franklin brought devastation to lots of areas and communities but for Congleton Hydro they brought good tidings i.e. Kilowatts from Rain!!!Cumulative Energy generated as of February 28th. Generation in the month of Feb was 33.2MWh—a new...

Congleton Hydro Newsletter – February 2022

Congleton Hydro Newsletter – February 2022

Mid-Winter, maybe cold, miserable but not wet! Who has stolen all our rain?? According to the Met Office, this January has been one of the driest on record. However, as we are blessed with having a Variable Speed Drive at the heart of our installation, we continue to...

Congleton Hydro Newsletter January 2022

Congleton Hydro Newsletter January 2022

Happy New Year Or ‘cos I’m a proud Welshman Blwyddyn Newydd Dda In sympathy with December being the month with the fewest number of daylight hours, this newsletter is also one of the shortest and gives my poor old fingers a much-needed rest from all the typing!...

Congleton Hydro Newsletter December

Congleton Hydro Newsletter December

With apologies to The Dave Clark Five!! We are Clad all Over.With further apologies to the Dave Clark Five, we hope our workmanship has produced a strong and secure cladding and that it does not all end up in: Bits and Pieces     For those of you too young to have...

Congleton Hydro Newsletter November

Congleton Hydro Newsletter November

A Major Milestone The Volts and Amps are Flowing!  Since the last newsletter, Congleton Hydro has been in continuous generation (apart from a few short shutdowns to facilitate safe working on cladding etc). From about mid-September we have now exported 30MWhrs...

Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Full Power - Fully Operational - Unattended OperationAfter almost six years since the first meeting over a few pints to discuss the concept of a Community Hydro using the power generated by Havannah Weir, Congleton Hydro has been operational for the last two weeks....

Congleton Hydro Newsletter September

Congleton Hydro Newsletter September

The Holy Trinity  Archie, you know all about, he even has his own world-wide fan club!!, The G99 Protection Relay was the focus of the August Newsletter—crucially important to allow us to connect to the external world i.e. The Grid! All good stuff but we need the...

Congleton Hydro Newsletter August

Congleton Hydro Newsletter August

We have G99 Lift Off!!!! So what? we hear you say, big deal—what has a soft ice cream with a flake, or a multi-nation economic jamboree got to do with our Hydro? Well, it is one of the most important of the approvals we need to obtain, (seems our whole lives have been...

Congleton Hydro Newsletter July 2021

Congleton Hydro Newsletter July 2021

Archie Goes Electric. Finally, Archie briefly wakes up and helps demonstrate that power can be generated from Congleton Hydro.  After rucks of testing, sensor calibrating, parameter tweaking and more testing, it was time to feed his insatiable appetite and give him a...

Join The Congleton Hydro Team! Admin Superstar Needed!

Join The Congleton Hydro Team! Admin Superstar Needed!

Congleton HydroVolunteer role descriptionRole title Documentation ControllerPurpose of the role - Devise and introduce a structured system that will enable the collation, production and maintenance of the historical design and operating documentation for...

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Dane Valley Community Energy Ltd is a Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA - Registration Number 7142) as defined by the Cooperatives and Community Benefit Societies Act, 2014 and governed by rules which can be viewed HERE.