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Summer 2024 Newsletter
Been a while since you have received a newsletter---simple reason, have struggled to find anything newsworthy as the Hydro just carries on working, happily ticking over on its own, no demanding maintenance or projects. However, have finally manged to put together some...
Congleton Hydro Autumn 2023 Update
Time goes quickly, our last newsletter was a “Spring Special" edition, celebrating the achievement of a special Milestone - 250MWhr generated since inception. Well perhaps we ought to label this as a Super Special Edition as look what has now been achieved, all your...
Congleton Solar Share Offer Opens
The next full Congleton Hydro Newsletter will be at the end of Summer. This will contain such highly interesting!!! topics such as: How to change the oil in the gearbox that does not have a suitable drain plug? Is it a bat, ghost or fairy???, the Volunteer “soiree”,...
Congleton Hydro & Solar Community Trust
The applications to Congleton Hydro & Solar Community Trust (CHASCT) are now closed. The fund for 2023 for distribution was £5000, and applications have been received totalling £18,908. The board is meeting on 13th July to review the applications, some tough...
Congleton Hydro – Special Edition Newsletter
Mid-Winter Special Edition Newsletter Just after eighteen months of operating, we, thanks to the sterling work of ZEUS, have had rucks of rain and reached the Celebratory Milestone of 25OMWhrs. (As the Greek god of the skies, Zeus is responsible for lightning,...
Congleton Hydro Newsletter Autumn/Winter Update
It has been some months since the last Newsletter (Read it here if you would like to refresh your memory). We could have produced one during the summer but it would have been a blank sheet of paper, as the only news was no rain, hence no generation. Think the Met...
Congleton Hydro Spring Newslettter 2022
Trust, you had a great Jubilee Bank Holiday—hope Congleton Hydro will still be around and operating in 70 years’ time, although that will still make us younger than our Queen!! The Adage “April Showers brings forth May Flowers” is only partially true. We may well have...
Volunteers needed for a new renewable energy initiative in Congleton
Following the successful construction and commissioning of a Hydroelectric Project at Havannah Weir, more commonly known as “ARCHIE”, the team behind it have secured grant funding to develop a brand new renewable energy scheme. This time the goal will be to generate...
Congleton Hydro Newsletter April
Last month’s storms of Eunice and Franklin seem to have blown all the rain away and for the last few weeks it just been miserably cold but no rain. Hopefully, the adage of “March winds and April Showers bring forth May Flowers” will hold true and we’ll start to get...
Congleton Hydro swells coffers for Environmental Projects
Advisors to the Margaret Williamson Trust are delighted that the amount of funds up for grabs to Congleton groups for sustainable and environmental projects has almost doubled thanks to a combined effort with the Dane Valley Community Energy (DVCE). The team behind...
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Dane Valley Community Energy Ltd is a Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA - Registration Number 7142) as defined by the Cooperatives and Community Benefit Societies Act, 2014 and governed by rules which can be viewed HERE.