


Would you like to make a difference? 

We would welcome interest from a wide base of interested volunteers. On the wider Volunteer opportunities associated with the operation and maintenance of the Hydro project, and our new solar project. We are making progress with identifying potential roles, board descriptions are listed below. But if you are interested in volunteering a little time we can find you a job!

Admin Superstar Needed!

Devise and introduce a structured system that will enable the collation, production and maintenance of the historical design and operating documentation for the Congleton Hydro project.

It is likely that this role will be largely home based using existing computer links.

Site & Security

Who ‘owns’ the site; gets called out when there is a security issue; first port of call for new ‘external forces’; responding to intrusion/CCTV alarms.

Physically monitoring site security on at least a daily basis – Site Volunteer

Site & Woodland Management

Daily jobs on the site:
Site & Visitor Risk Assessments
Routine checking and maintenance of Boardwalk
Litter picking etc
Routine checking of physical structures
Control of the Himalayan Balsam
Local pruning/trimming of trees—keeping them under control/neat and tidy keeping the site looking tidy!!

All above – Site Volunteer

Planting and maintenance of the agreed woodland management programme
Preservation and regeneration of identified flora and fauna

All above – Nature Volunteers

Tour Guiding

A group wants to come to the site, arrange through Peter into diary deliver – Education Volunteers



Invoices, accounts, paying bills, Share Ownership/Certificate Management – Admin Volunteer


Kit Maintenance and Operation

Daily Jobs and checks in the Power House:
Kit & Operation Risk Assessments
Checking Equipment e.g. bearing/gearbox oil levels and topping up/changing, checking for leaks etc

Noise monitoring –during the first months of operation

Clearing and cleaning Inlet channel, sluice gate etc

Checking basic operation e.g. emergency stop operation, sensor functionality
Monitoring and recording information e.g. flow rates, the power generated, voltage levels, screw speed, VSD functionality, weather conditions and forecasts

All above – Power House Volunteer

Re-programme of plc as required – Software Volunteer

Frequency—Daily, weekly/as required??


Identification and preparation of modules for delivery
Preparation and collation of course materials
Design/Preparation/printing/”power pointing” of handouts
Identification of hardware/software models e.g. moth trap!!
Design and manufacture of hardware/software
Preparation of Classroom materials etc
Delivery of the Education
On-site, in the classroom, Society evenings/sessions e.g. U3A

The webmaster of the Education Programme—maintenance of on-line content, scheduling of school visits etc

All above – Education Volunteers


Marketing Volunteer

The webmaster of the Education Programme—maintenance of on-line content – Mktg Volunteer


Admin & GRIPP

Admin & GRIPP


Why Volunteer?

Volunteering has many benefits for the individual, with busy lives it can be hard to find the time but the benefits are huge!

  • Volunteering connects you to others
  • Volunteering is good for your mind and body
  • Volunteering can advance your career
  • Volunteering brings fun and fulfilment to your life

The Tedx talk featured called “How volunteerism can change your world by Joyce Bertram”, gives a fantastic insight into the world of volunteering. 

How volunteerism can change your world.

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Dane Valley Community Energy Ltd is a Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA - Registration Number 7142) as defined by the Cooperatives and Community Benefit Societies Act, 2014 and governed by rules which can be viewed HERE.