It seems Archie’s fame is growing! He has received his first fan letter!
“Dear Archie,
We haven’t been formally introduced but Bob has told me a lot about you, so I hope that you will receive this greeting as from “ a friend” We all realise that you, Archie, whose full name is Archimedes of course (but friends call you Archie) is the heart of the Congleton Hydro System, for without you there would be no system! We understand that very soon now, you are to be actually “installed “ with the due ceremony we trust; so fingers crossed!
I have seen photos of the “tidy up” operation, which is currently taking place and which will when completed, give clear access for the Engineers to “escort you “ to your new home.
What a wonderful day that will be! I hope that Bob will be able to send photos of the actual moment when you & your new home are “united”.
As always with every good wish and thank you for sharing your news.”
We are pleased to confirm Archie’s moving day went to plan
Thanks to Bob for the excellent newsletters he writes each month keeping everyone up to date with the project.
Catch up with the newsletters on the website:
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