by HydroCat | Jan 10, 2022 | Newsletters
Happy New Year Or ‘cos I’m a proud Welshman Blwyddyn Newydd Dda In sympathy with December being the month with the fewest number of daylight hours, this newsletter is also one of the shortest and gives my poor old fingers a much-needed rest from all the typing!...
by HydroCat | Nov 9, 2021 | Newsletters
A Major Milestone The Volts and Amps are Flowing! Since the last newsletter, Congleton Hydro has been in continuous generation (apart from a few short shutdowns to facilitate safe working on cladding etc). From about mid-September we have now exported 30MWhrs...
by HydroCat | Oct 14, 2021 | Newsletters
Full Power – Fully Operational – Unattended Operation After almost six years since the first meeting over a few pints to discuss the concept of a Community Hydro using the power generated by Havannah Weir, Congleton Hydro has been operational for the last...
by HydroCat | Jul 6, 2021 | Newsletters
Archie Goes Electric. Finally, Archie briefly wakes up and helps demonstrate that power can be generated from Congleton Hydro. After rucks of testing, sensor calibrating, parameter tweaking and more testing, it was time to feed his insatiable appetite and give him a...
by HydroCat | Jun 21, 2021 | Newsletters
Wot! the Access Track has disappeared. Access Track filled in with “spoil” from construction.Now we cannot go backwards—only forwards!! However, before the slippery downhill slope started its return to nature and the access track across the field was returned to its...
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