by HydroCat | Mar 14, 2020 | Events
Like many events, we have had to cancel our planned event at the Town Hall.We’ll be holding several Webinars over the next two weeks to explain our scheme and how to invest. Following on from the success of the first and second, we’ll be doing it all again... by HydroCat | Mar 2, 2020 | Events
Thanks to everyone that came to see us at the Congleton Makers Market. Watch this space for news of our next event.We had plenty of interest from local Congletonians over the weekend. Unfortunately, the weather turned brutal at lunchtime and we were forced to abandon... by HydroCat | Feb 21, 2020 | Events
Come and quiz the Team . Following the great success of our Drop In session with Fiona Bruce we’ve organised three more sessions for you to come in and learn more about the project and how to invest. The first is at the Old Sawmill, River St, Congleton on... by HydroCat | Feb 11, 2020 | Project Updates
The Share Offer was launched on the 1st of February as planned. It’s going well. As of 11th February, we have had 184 new Share Prospectus registrations and raised nearly £100,000.Download the share offer document by clicking on the image.**Please note share...
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