Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Full Power – Fully Operational – Unattended Operation After almost six years since the first meeting over a few pints to discuss the concept of a Community Hydro using the power generated by Havannah Weir, Congleton Hydro has been operational for the last...
Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Congleton Hydro Newsletter September

The Holy Trinity  Archie, you know all about, he even has his own world-wide fan club!!, The G99 Protection Relay was the focus of the August Newsletter—crucially important to allow us to connect to the external world i.e. The Grid! All good stuff but we need the...
Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Congleton Hydro Newsletter August

We have G99 Lift Off!!!! So what? we hear you say, big deal—what has a soft ice cream with a flake, or a multi-nation economic jamboree got to do with our Hydro? Well, it is one of the most important of the approvals we need to obtain, (seems our whole lives have been...

Flash Update – Archie Awakes! Congleton Hydro

After some heart-stopping moments (well quite a few actually) we managed to open the inlet channel sluice gate and give Archie some life-giving Vaccination—water from the River Dane! As you can see from the short video clip, Archie quickly responded to his Jab!! and...
Congleton Hydro October Newsletter

Congleton Hydro Newsletter June 2021

Wot! the Access Track has disappeared. Access Track filled in with “spoil” from construction.Now we cannot go backwards—only forwards!!  However, before the slippery downhill slope started its return to nature and the access track across the field was returned to its...